Gesture, Multimodality, and SLA
About our research network
Gesture and multimodality play an integral role in second language acquisition. Yet, because gesture and multimodality tend to be studied interdisciplinary such as in education, psychology, linguistics, to name a few, there is no specific venue for applied linguists to collaborate on how gestures and multimodality function in SLA and discuss their most recent studies. The purpose of this ReN is to create a venue for applied linguists to discuss their work at regular intervals to move this area of research forward. The goals of AILA ReN Gesture, Multimodality, and SLA is to create a place where applied linguists of different backgrounds can share their ongoing studies, get feedback, continue developing their projects, and collaborate on new projects beyond their institutions in order to contribute to the field of SLA. We plan on organizing two colloquiums at AILA 2020 and publishing an edited book via AILA Applied Linguistics Series from John Benjamins. Please contact the convener about our ReN.
2020 JULY: Meeting at ISGS (Chicago)
2020 AUGUST: Colloquium at AILA (Groningen)
2018 MARCH: Meeting at AAAL (Chicago)
2018 JUNE: Meeting at ISGS (Cape Town)
2018 FALL: Online meeting
2019 MARCH: Meeting at AAAL (Atlanta)
current members
Our current members include junior and experienced researchers from institutions located in Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and the U.S.
Francisca Aguilo-Mora, PhD, Lecturer in Spanish, Columbia University
Brahim Azaoui, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Montpellier, LIRDEF EA3749
Jana Bressem, PhD, Post-Doc (Assistant Professor) in German Linguistics, Semiotics and Multimodal Communication at Chemnitz Technical University
Heather Brookes, PhD, Associate Professor/Chief Research Officer, SARChI (South African Research Chair), Linguistics section – School of African studies, Gender studies, Anthropology & Linguistics (AXL), University of Cape Town
Amanda Brown, PhD, Associate Professor of Linguistics, Advisor, M.A. Linguistic Studies, Coordinator, CAS Language Teaching: TESOL/TLOTE, Dept. of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Syracuse University
Aaron Braver, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Texas Tech University
Kimberly Buescher, PhD, Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Tommy Dang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Texas Tech University
Søren Wind Eskildsen, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
Marianne Gullberg, PhD, Professor of Psycholinguistics & Director of LU Humanities Lab, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University
Simon Harrison, Simon Harrison, PhD, Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics, School of English,The University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Yukari Hirata, PhD, Professor of Japanese, East Asian Languages and Literatures, Colgate University
Solène Inceoglu, PhD, Lecturer of French, HDR Convenor for Languages and Linguistics, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, The Australian National University
Spencer Kelly, PhD, Psychology Department, Colgate University
Silva H. Ladewig, PhD, Post-Doc Research Assistant (Assistant Professor), Chair of Language Use and Multimodal Communication in the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at European University Viadrina
Tasha N. Lewis, PhD, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, Loyola University Maryland
Renia Lopez, PhD, Assistant professor, Programme Leader Minor European Studies, English Department, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Paula Marentette, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Alberta–Augustana Campus
Steven McCafferty, PhD, Professor, Applied Linguistics Graduate Coordinator, Department of Educational Psychology and Higher Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Francisco Meizoso, PhD, Lecturer in Spanish, Columbia University
Laura Morett, PhD, Assistant Professor, Director, Neuroscience of Education Research on Development (NERD) Lab, The University of Alabama
Kimi Nakatsukasa, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, Texas Tech University
Eduardo Negueruela-Azarola, PhD, ILCE Research and Academic Director, Universidad de Navarra
Elena Nicolaidis, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Alberta
Alessandro Rosborough, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Brigham Young University
Miranda Scloari, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Sciences, Texas Tech University
Marga Stander, PhD,English Department, Sol Plaatje University, South Africa
Tetyana (Tania) Smotrova, PhD, Lecturer, Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore
Gale Stam, PhD, Professor of Psychology, National Louis University
Marion Tellier, PhD, Director of Department of FLE, Coordinator of M1 speciality in French as a foreign language, LPL- UMR 7309 (CNRS), Aix-Marseille Université
Keiko Yoshioka, PhD,
Johannes Wagner, PhD, Professor, Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
Benjamin White, PhD, Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics, Saint Michael’s College
Keli Yerian, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Director of Language Teaching Studies MA Program, University of Oregon